CEO Founder Brand Felt Activate

CEO Founder Brand Felt Activate

How did you become a sponsorship professional or event organizer, or both?

I have been in the marketing and advertising space for over 6 years starting when I was just 22 at a top advertising company in Atlanta working as an assistant media buyer and planner. I was planning fortune-500 companies radio and tv media from a local level. From there, I transitioned to a position in the sponsorship realm where I fell in love. The biggest deal I’ve closed was a Super Bowl package for a top automotive brand. Throughout those years of experience, I began to help my entrepreneur friends host events by helping them plan and market. Thus my purpose was found and BrandFelt Activation was born.


What are your favorite brands to work with?

I don’t have a particular brand that I like but I enjoy working with sports teams, food brands ( I like to eat!), and clothing brands.


What is your longest standing sponsorship relationship?

The longest sponsorship relationship we have has been 2 years which has been incredible. We negotiated a deal to have exclusivity with one another and we both benefit greatly.


What do you think the most popular “must-have” asset for brands in 2020 going into 2021?

I think the “must-have” is a clear, relatable message. Without the right messaging your brand cannot thrive nor receive sponsorship.



What is one of the most important things you include in a deck?

Data, data, data! The best information to include in a deck is the data of your audience and the company data to show comparison or the areas where the gap can be filled. A sponsor just wants to know how will they benefit from lending money and would it be worth it. If you can support your idea for them to sponsor, it makes it harder for them to say no.


How many pages do you think a deck should be and why? (it can be a range)

That truly depends on what is needed. But I like decks to be short and sweet so around 5-10 pages. But again, it truly depends on the components and data you have.



Average check size of your sponsorship deals?




Do you notice a difference in sponsorship procurement (amounts received, what brands will give) for black women compared to other races and genders?

Of course! Many brands unfortunately look the other way at black women brands until recently. If we received a no we continue to progress until we get a yes. I am not sure why brands don’t take us seriously but it’s fine. We will find a way and go higher than they can ever imagine.



What’s one tip you would give to someone seeking sponsorship?

I would ask them to take a step back and evaluate their business to see if they are ready to receive a sponsorship. For example, if you want a $5k sponsorship ask yourself the question ” Have I made $5k consistently in my business”. If not, what value can I bring to them? I would also think about what systems and procedures do I have in place to receive the sponsorship and what is the breakout of how it will be allocated.

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Do you have any promotions or specials happening now?

Currently doing a 45-minute event strategy calls at $50 to help small businesses plan for 2021. The call will consist of you filling out a form before with various questions surrounding the event so I can have clarity on the call to better serve you. From there, I will help you organize a timeline and resources on the call.